As warm weather returns, more cyclists will be taking to our crowded roads. With this in mind, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) presents useful resources to help cyclists stay safe.
First Things First
Before taking to the roads, there are a few things all cyclists need to know about cycling. Bicycles do not require vehicle registration, licence plates, insurance coverage, or an operator’s licence. That means people of all ages and of any skill level can ride a bicycle in Ontario.
Cycling by Numbers
Statistics indicate the number of cyclists in Ontario has risen approximately 61% over the past 20 years. Currently, 1.5 million people in the province travel by bicycle at least once a week. Earlier this year, Public Health Ontario claimed at least seven of those bicyclists visit a trauma centre or emergency ward every day—with numbers increasing.
Where to Ride
In Ontario, cyclists are allowed to operate bicycles on most public roads. They are not allowed to ride on controlled-access highways, such as 400-series highways. Cyclists are also prohibited from riding across roads within pedestrian crossovers—and must walk bicycles to the other side.
Learn the Rules
The Highway Traffic Act (HTA) treats bicycles the same as any other vehicles. Just as cyclists must obey all traffic laws, they also have the same rights—and carry the same responsibilities—as other drivers. Cyclists cannot carry passengers on a bicycle meant for only one person. Cyclists must also ride on the right—and stay close to the right edge of the road. This is especially important when a cyclist is moving more slowly than other traffic on the road.
Wear the Gear
While helmets are not compulsory for adult cyclists over 18 years of age, safety advocates strongly suggests every rider wears an approved helmet to reduce their risk of injury. By law, every cyclist under age 18 must wear an approved helmet—and a parent or guardian must ensure riders under 16 years of age wear their helmets at all times.
We’re Here to Help
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in any type of bicycle accident, call Cariati Law at 905-629-8040 for help. When you call, you will speak with an experienced Toronto Bicycle Accident Lawyer absolutely FREE. We will investigate your accident, handle all the paperwork, and manage your entire claim—so you can focus on your recovery.
At Cariati Law, our top bicycle accident lawyers will investigate every detail of your accident for free. All cases are handled on a contingency fee basis—which means you pay us nothing up front. In fact, we only get paid after you do. If there is no recovery, there is no lawyers fee.
Contact one of our Toronto Bicycle Accident Lawyers at 905-629-8040 for help today.
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