Shoulder Dystocia Leads to Birth Injury and Infant Mortality

Cariati Law Toronto, Ontario Injury Lawyers Child Injury Lawyer Birth Trauma Baby in ICU

Giving birth is one of the most wonderful life miracles a mother and family can experience. But sometimes, medical mistakes do happen during the pregnancy and birthing process, and doctors and hospitals do make mistakes.

Shoulder dystocia is a difficult and frightening complication at birth. It can happen during the second stage of labor. Shoulder dystocia happens when the baby’s head has been born, but one of the shoulders becomes stuck.

Permanent nerve injury as a result of shoulder dystocia is called brachial plexus. Lawsuits involving brachial plexus injuries following shoulder dystocia are the second most common type of preventable birth injury in obstetrics. But they are difficult to defend because the physician’s defense is usually an undocumented claim denying undue force at delivery.

Using force, also known as traction, to push or pull the baby free can lead to devastating results, including permanent nerve injury and asphyxiation, which could lead to the death of the infant. It is not possible to predict when shoulder dystocia will happen, but there are certain risk factors that can lead to this condition.  A few risk factors for Shoulder Dystocia include:

–          Large baby
–          Mother has gestational diabetes
–          Obesity
–          Previous shoulder dystocia deliveries
–          Induced labor
–          Forceps assisted birth

If your baby is born with shoulder dystocia, multiple complications could arise for both baby and mother. Certain actions taken by the healthcare provider could increase the risk of permanent injury.

The lawyers at Cariati Law have seen first-hand the devastation birth injuries can cause medically, financially and emotionally. Cariati Law represents the rights of mothers and children who suffer from birth related injuries such as shoulder dystocia.

Financial compensation can assist families in receiving the medical and rehabilitation care and monetary needs of their child. The experienced and knowledgeable birth injury lawyers at Cariati Law will fight to help you get the justice you deserve.

If we take your case, we will investigate your situation at no cost to you. We will work to figure out what happened, and if someone was at fault, we will take the necessary measures to seek compensation for you and your family to help care for your child’s needs.

Call Cariati Law for a FREE, no obligation, and confidential consultation at 905-629-8040.

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