As we come to the last day of National Nursing Week, let’s all pay tribute to the wonderful, and selfless work all nurses do every day. A little trivia, does anyone know why National Nursing Week falls during the second week of May? Answer: It’s a tribute to Florence Nightingale’s birthday, which is May 12.
This year’s theme was #WeAnswerTheCall and was developed by the Canadian Nursing Association. Nurses play so many roles in a patient’s journey back to health. The Covid pandemic showed the courage and commitment that nurses work with daily.
We would like to pay honor to all Canada’s nurses and healthcare professionals for the selfless work and care they provide. As we celebrate nurses, please remember that just a simple, “Thank you” can show your appreciation.
In our business as a personal injury law firm, our clients are cared for by nurses from the time they suffer an injury. Whether it’s a visit to the emergency room after an accident or a follow-up visit to a doctor’s office or urgent care center, a nurse is always there to help, guide, nurture, and support.
Thank you from the entire staff and injury lawyers at Cariati Law. https://cariatilaw.ca/types/serious-injury-claims/
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