Your mental health can be affected by many factors depending on what is going on in your life. When experiencing difficult situations, it is challenging to balance work, life, family, and relationships. Even with everyone having to deal with the Covid-19 virus, many people have developed depression and anxiety and cannot work.
Most people, throughout their lives, manage some form of depression, anxiety, and stress based on their situation. Each person’s mental health struggles are different, and it is essential to take them seriously. In Ontario, there are many ways to seek mental health relief, the most common is to find a therapist or life coach to talk to about your concerns and how they are affecting your life.
Many children, adults, and seniors in Ontario experience mental health issues because of complex, life-altering situations beyond their control.
– An executive being fired from their job without cause
– Suffering a severe injury in an accident and losing your income to care for your family
– Dealing with a relationship breakup or family problems
– Experiencing a sudden medical problem that is impacting your life
– Dealing with financial problems due to a disability
– A child being bullied at school

We all experience from time to time serious life issues that can overpower us and significantly affect our ability to function at our highest level. Always remember you are not alone. There are ways to seek help, to speak with someone who can help you through your challenges. Ontario therapists and life coaches are an option. Your doctor can also recommend someone to help.
“In any given week, 500,000 Canadians are unable to work due to a mental illness,” says Hosseiny.. Depression is a leading cause of disability in Canada.
If you find yourself unable to work for an extended period due to a mental health issue, you may be entitled to Long Term Disability Benefits. If you have questions about how you can qualify for long-term disability benefits in Ontario, Canada, call Cariati Law at 905-629-8040 for a free legal consultation.
We have helped thousands of Ontarians receive the long-term disability benefits they need. Even if your long-term disability benefits have been denied, we may be able to help.
Our experienced long-term disability lawyers will answer your questions, review your insurance policy, and fight to get you the help you need.