The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and celebration. But while a little bit of indulging is just fine, sometimes people can take things too far. While this time of year can feel quite magical, it can also prove quite dangerous. To put things into perspective, the period of time surrounding Christmas and New Year’s are two of the most dangerous period of the year for drunk driving fatalities.
According to MADD Canada, crashes involving alcohol (and/or drugs) are a leading criminal cause of death in Canada. Between Nov. 14 and Dec. 31, 2018, Toronto police said that officers made 170 impaired-related arrests. In all of 2018, 1,042 people were arrested for drinking and driving.
In 2018, more than 8,500 people called 9-1-1 to report drunk driving. Under new legislation, police officers are entitled to ask any driver who is stopped to provide a breath sample. Police plan to be out in full force – you have a lot to lose.
How Can You Combat Drunk Driving?
The good news about drunk driving is that you have the ability to prevent doing it. You hold the power to keep yourself and others safer on the road. One of the best things that you can do is to have a plan ahead of time. This may include having the number for a taxi, or downloading a rideshare app. You may also wish to take turns designating someone as the sober driver. If you happen to notice that a family member or friend is about to drive while they are under the influence of alcohol, safely take away their keys and help them to find a safe mode of transportation home.
Fortunately, there are strategies that have been implemented, which continue to make a positive difference. These strategies include:
- Alcohol screening
- Comprehensive interventions
- Drunk driving laws
- Ignition interlocks
- License suspension and revocation
- Mass media campaigns
- School-based programs
- Sobriety checkpoints
Despite the difference that these efforts have made, there is always more to be done.
Cariati Law Can Help
If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, it can have a profound effect on your physical, emotional, and financial wellbeing. You should not have to pay the price. At Cariati Law, our top personal injury lawyers will handle your case for free – you pay nothing until we do. Contact one of our Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers at 905-629-8040 today!