According to the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), one in every four fatal crashes in Canada involves distraction of some kind. These crashes impact not only drivers but also passengers, pedestrians, cyclists and others on the road.
According to a new survey by Desjardins, a majority of Canadians have admitted to driving while distracted by their cell phone. Of the 3,050 respondents, 53 percent shared that they had been distracted by their phones at least once, with 42 percent claiming to have been using GPS, while 37 percent claimed to be texting or calling. The number of those distracted by their phones – or at least willing to admit to it – greatly increased from 38 percent last year.
Increased Admissions Despite Increased Understanding
These increased admissions were in spite of the fact that more people are now aware of the dangers of distracted driving, with 32 percent pegging it as the riskiest driving behaviour, second only to drunk-driving (35 percent). Ninety-eight percent of Canadians know that using a cell phone while driving (if it is not hands-free) is against the law, though only 29 percent believe that existing cell phone laws are effective.
There seems to be a disconnect between this understanding of the dangers of distracted driving and their own accountability. In fact, of the individuals who were surveyed, a whopping 93 percent stated that they rarely – or never – drive while distracted by their phone. However, 84 percent stated that they often or always see other drivers distracted by their phone.
Other Causes of Distracted Driving
However, not all distracted driving was caused by cell phones. Thirty-five percent of distracted drivers said that they were distracted due to focusing on passengers or kids in the car, while 41 percent were distracted by changing their vehicle’s console.
Cariati Law Can Help
If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident due to the negligence or recklessness of another, it can be emotionally overwhelming and can impact many aspects of your life. You may not even know where to start. That’s why it is so important to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable Car Accident Attorney.
At Cariati Law, our top personal injury lawyers will handle your case for free – you pay nothing until we do. Contact one of our Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers at 905-629-8040 today!