Important Information on Long-Term Disability Insurance Benefits and Invisible Illnesses

Millions of Canadians live with invisible disabilities that limit their daily activities and ability to work. One in five Canadians with an invisible disability does not require an assistive device.
When we think about the types of illnesses and conditions that may qualify individuals for long-term disability benefits, we tend to think about obvious physical injuries. However, this is not always the case.
You may be entitled to long term disability benefits to help pay for your care and living expenses. You can speak with one of our compassionate, experienced Long Term Disability Benefits lawyers for free. We’ll evaluate your situation and work to get you the long-term disability benefits you need.
What is an Invisible Disability?
An invisible disability is a physical, mental, or psychological condition that is not immediately noticeable to others.
Invisible disabilities usually are associated with symptoms that cannot be seen on blood tests, diagnostic imaging, and the like. A claim for long-term disability benefits may sometimes encompass these types of disabilities
Examples of Invisible Disabilities
Common invisible disabilities and illnesses include:
- Chronic pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Bipolar disorder
- Mood disorders
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Lyme disease
- Brain injuries
- Headache disorders
- Workplace stress
Why Was I Denied LTD Benefits for My Invisible Disability?
There are a few reasons that insurance companies deny invisible disability benefits which includes:
Not Presenting Needed Medical Evidence
For people suffering from invisible illnesses, it is critically important that they regularly follow up with their doctors and treating professionals, to ensure that their symptoms and activity restrictions are properly documented. Your doctors’ evidence is essential to proving that you are unable to work.
Individuals who are unable to work due to a chronic pain disorder or a mental illness must show that they are open to participating in recovery, are under the care of a physician and are also sticking to their treatment plan. If this documentation is not present, an insurance company can deny your claim.
Demonstrating You Can Work With Your Condition
If you’ve had this condition before but had experienced less severe symptoms and were able to continue working, insurance companies may deny your disability claim. It is essential to have proper legal representation so these companies are aware of the worsening or advancement of invisible illnesses.
Cariati Law Can Help With Your Invisible Disability Claim
Every long-term disability policy is different, and the policy wording and conditions can be complex and confusing.
When you are suffering from an invisible illness such as chronic pain or depression, you are simply not at your best.
The sad truth is that some insurance companies may take advantage of your vulnerability to unjustly deny your LTD benefits. This is why it is so important to have a long term disability lawyer to help navigate the difficult legal waters of long term disability claims.
What Should I Do if My Invisible Disability Claim is Denied?
If you or a loved one has been denied long-term disability benefits – especially for an invisible illness – you may not even know where to start. That’s why it is so important to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable Ontario disability lawyer.
At Cariati Law, one of our experienced lawyers will review your case and provide an initial consultation free of charge. We can help you understand your rights and explain the entire legal process. When trusting Cariati Law to fight for your LTD benefits, there is absolutely no fee until we make a recovery on your behalf.
If you or a loved one has been denied LTD benefits, contact one of our long term disability lawyers in Toronto and throughout the GTA today at 905 629 8040.